
@blakewalks 34 out of #52

Knot knowing. Got the drift? Car park arrows directibg conflict, excluding, silent directives in a LOUD VOICE. Shunted. Loitering is deterred but queueing for an hour is acceptable. Mixed message. Overloaded. Patriarchy is nor benevolent despite holding your hand. Temporary line blowing in the wind; permanent line-making=extended mandate. Director-specific. At the pool, fencing explains. Entrance denied. Hidden lanes controlling movements furloughed. Chains, ropes in case you didn’t get the message. Gravel bags? Filling in time. Strutt’s pool was made into a virtual golf course. Obfuscation. Move this way, that way. Loitering definitely not happening. No sign of multinational communications. Just what’s here, old skool, misdirected as ever.